GLADSTONE (07) 4972 8111


A quick list of the most commonly asked questions

What can I store?

Household Furniture & Goods, Business Storage, Office/Business Documents, Archive Storage boxes, Tools, Cars, Boats and Caravans

What can’t I store?

Any goods that are illegal, stolen, inflammable, explosive, environmentally harmful, hazardous, perishable or that are a risk to the property of any person. e.g. Chlorine, acid, paint and petrol.

What if I find I need more or less space?

If your requirements change when you arrive we will find a suitable alternative, if available.

Are there any extra charges?

We do ask for a security deposit. The sheds must be paid in advance at all times another wise a late fee may apply and lost of any discount may occur. Padlocks are available for purchase, or you can supply your own. 

Who else has access 

This is entirely up to you – you have the key and control access.

How long can I keep it? 

The timeframe is totally flexible with no fixed period of occupancy.

Are my goods insured? 

We can assist you with your insurance needs.

What happens if I fall behind on my rent?

Rent is paid monthly in advance. If rent is not paid according to the Terms of the Storage Agreement you will be denied access to your shed and the complex. Following a pre-determined period without payment we may be forced to sell the contents of the storage unit.

We will do everything we can do to prevent this and you should contact us immediately so that we can resolve the matter promptly. 

What access do I get? 

Gladstone Site - 6am - 6pm daily - including public holidays

What security measures do you have? 

QMS takes security extremely seriously and our physical security systems and the security procedures by our people, add to the security of your belongings while in storage.

  • CCTV
  • Individually Secured Spaces
  • Secure fences, lighting and perimeter fencing  
  • Daily Lock Integrity Checks

What are your shed and yard access hours

Gladstone – 6am to 6pm